Astex Pharmaceuticals
Astex Pharmaceuticals is a world leading innovative drug discovery & development. Our research and development teams utilize our cutting-edge technology platform in the relentless pursuit of innovative solutions that address the extensive and complex challenges in oncology and diseases of the CNS.
We employ Pyramid™, our proprietary fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) platform, to rapidly deliver high-quality drug leads with enhanced therapeutic potential across a wide variety of therapeutic targets. We use AI/ML to enhance our FBDD capabilities and have integrated cryo-EM technology into the platform to structurally interrogate biological targets previously not suitable for FBDD/SBDD including membrane targets.
We have a strong track record of successful drug discovery collaborations with both industry and academia. Astex is developing a proprietary pipeline of novel therapies and has multiple partnered products in clinical development under collaborations with leading pharmaceutical companies. Several compounds from drug discovery collaborations with Astex have been advanced by its pharma partners into clinical trials and onto the market.
Committed to the fight against cancer and CNS disorders